Can coffee make you feel good? Yes, it can perk you up in the morning, and especially if you’re addicted to caffeine, it makes you feel better. But what I mean is, can coffee make you feel good about yourself?

Because that’s how I felt once I had a to-go cup latte from Oddfellows in hand this week. It was more than a caffeine buzz. It was a feeling of well being. I swear. Am I crazy? Am I kidding myself? Do I believe the La Marzocco Strada esspresso machine hype?

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Maybe I am crazy or whatever, but I do believe the hype. Sorry, Chuck D. I guess I am a yuppie, because I can’t stop buying fancy coffee from Oddfellows.

The new Bishop Arts restaurant famously or infamously bought a $15,000 esspresso machine. I’ve heard the owners joke about it themselves: “How many cups of coffee do we have to sell to pay for this thing again?”

According to Pegasus News, the machine allows baristas to make minute adjustments to the coffee pressure. Having never operated an esspresso machine, that means nothing to me. But I can say with full confidence, this coffee is really dang good. Plus, the barista, Micah, has a good sense of humor.

The first day, I had a capuccino, and I would have liked another, but they are $3.50. The latte I had this week was $3.80. And a drip coffee is $2.50. Yes, it’s expensive. It has to be.

It’s not liquid Prozac. Maybe I am kidding myself. Still, I don’t know how to get this coffee monkey off my back.