There’s a phenomenon that refers to warm water currents from the South American coast that affect weather all over the world. The pattern got its name from Peruvian fishermen who noticed that the warm waters arrived around Christmas time. They named it El Niño. The baby. The Christ Child.

Soon people began to say that El Niño was responsible for much more than floods, droughts and tropical storms. Economy declining? Must be El Niño. Arthritis acting up? El Niño. Stocks go up or down? El Niño. Late for work? Gotta be El Niño.

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Ask any parent: The coming of a baby into the world is disruptive. Several friends of mine gave birth during the pandemic, adding disorder to a chaotic year.

2020 has blown like an ill wind, upending businesses and family gatherings, ultimately causing over 230,000 deaths and counting. The pandemic has been pervasive, harsh and bitter. Everything has changed, but not for the good.

Those Peruvian fishermen knew that the coming of the Christ Child changed everything, too. His presence would topple the mighty, lift up the humble, bring good news to the poor and call out the rich for injustice.

Mary’s song at the birth of the Christ Child (known as the Magnificat) is recorded in Luke 1. From The Message translation: “What God has done for me will never be forgotten … His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before him. He bared his arm … scattering the bluffing braggarts. He knocked tyrants off their high horses, pulled victims out of the mud. The starving poor sat down to a banquet; the callous rich were left out in the cold.”

Those words are hard to believe in 2020. It may be that the death of George Floyd was the most tragic and jarring event of the year. One human being with the knee of another on his neck, snuffing out life — we saw that. In his final breaths, Floyd cried out, “Momma … momma, I’m through!” A sacred invocation. Many of us witnessed that act and thought, “This can’t be happening. This is not the America we want to be.”

All of us were babies once. We are never far from our own infancy. Maybe it’s about all we can do to remember that, and pray to have the eyes and trust of children, as we move into a very different holiday season.

So many have distorted the words and work of the Christ Child, but his kingdom is about peace and life and breath. It’s about good for everyone. One day those who follow the wind of his Spirit will bring their weapons — swords and guns and ammo and billy clubs — and all of that will be melted down and beaten into tools to make food for the whole earth. There will be no more war or hunger. Isaiah 9:7 says, “His government and peace will never end.”

All that because of a baby. The baby. El Niño. Hallelujah.

BRENT MCDOUGAL is the senior pastor of Cliff Temple Baptist Church. The Worship section is underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the neighborhood businesses and churches listed here. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.