An Oak Cliff neighbor who recently served as director of health and wellness at Bonton Farms has been named CEO of Dallas-based Hope Cottage.
Stephanie Bohan will lead the secular nonprofit adoption agency, which serves Collin, Dallas, Denton and Tarrant counties.
She served for 10 years as executive director for Agape Clinic, where “she oversaw the Dallas clinic’s expansion from a part-time, four-day-a-week operation to a full-time clinic with just under 18,000 patient visits annually. The organization was named Nonprofit of the Year 2019 by Center for Nonprofit Management under her direction.”
More recently, she “helped secure the funding and relationships to build the future Bonton Farms Wellness Center and developed a comprehensive health and wellness program that will give Bonton neighborhood residents new access to critical services when construction is complete.”
Bohan is currently pursuing a master’s degree in theology at the Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology.
“As part of her course work, Bohan recently visited El Salvador where she met with leaders of Pro-Búsqueda, a nonprofit association for families of children who disappeared during the civil war in El Salvador in the 1980s,” according to a news release from Hope Cottage. “Thousands of children were kidnapped by the military and sold to adoption agencies.”
She previously served as director of development for the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum.
“I am so honored to be part of Hope Cottage’s work to ensure everyone can benefit from a safe, loving family,” Bohan said. “We know that a strong family connection has lasting positive effects on a person’s mental, physical and economic well-being. I can’t imagine more meaningful work.”