Photo courtesy Metro Creative Connection

Nexus Recovery Center recently launched its #StrongLikeAMother campaign to celebrate the resilience and strength of mothers in recovery from substance abuse. The campaign features inspiring stories of recovery from five Nexus recovery coaches, including Kaitlyn Jackson who lives in Oak Cliff.

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Kaitlyn, along with four other recovery coaches, are bravely sharing their recovery stories in hopes of raising awareness around Nexus’ Pregnant and Parenting Women with Children (PPWC) program. The program is known for its family-centered approach to recovery, which has been shown to improve long-term outcomes and reduce unnecessary foster care placements.

“My journey to recovery was not an easy one. To get where I am today, it took me years of struggling with addiction, losing my children, and hitting rock bottom,” Jackson wrote in her fundraising page for the campaign. “I owe my second chance at life to Nexus.”

According to Nexus, 8.7 million children live in households where at least one parent has a substance use disorder, and the number of children entering foster care due to substance use has more than doubled in the past two decades.

Nexus Recovery Center provides family-centered treatment to transform the lives of women and children impacted by substance use disorders. Nexus offers comprehensive and holistic treatment programs designed to provide women with a full continuum of care to recovery without having to separate from their children during treatment.