Data shows students who attend Dallas ISD pre-K outperform students who do not attend district pre-K

Dallas ISD has worked closely with Dallas County and other community partners over the past months to ensure that our educators, students, and families all have the resources needed to stay as safe as possible from COVID-19. Last month, Dallas ISD was proud to confirm that all educators who want to receive a vaccine have been able to receive them! This is a huge step forward in our fight against COVID-19 and, hopefully, a quick return to normalcy.

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Dallas ISD Shows Strong Pre-Kindergarten Achievement  

Dallas ISD’s expansion of pre-Kindergarten options for students is showing major dividends. Students who attend pre-K in Dallas ISD are strongly outperforming their peers who did not attend pre-K in Dallas ISD. Registration is now open for all three-and four-year-olds for Dallas ISD pre-K, visit

Dallas ISD launching “Dual-Language 2.0” to build on Dallas’s Successes in Dual-Language: Dallas ISD will be re-envisioning what Dual Language programs will look like after a decade of success. One major improvement will be the creation of a ‘Newcomer School’ for recent immigrants to Dallas who predominantly speak a language other than English. These students will have access to content-specific classes in their native language while learning English.

School Name Changes

The board voted to rename several Dallas ISD schools, two of which are here in District 7. Sidney Lanier Vanguard for the Expressive Arts will become the Jesús Moroles Vanguard for the Expressive Arts. and John H. Reagan Elementary will become Bishop Arts STEAM Academy. Thank you to the hundreds of community members who made their voices heard in this process.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have thoughts, ideas, questions, concerns, or simply want to say hello!

Ben Mackey

Dallas ISD Trustee
Ben Mackey, District 7