Photo courtesy of Good Cycle

A neighborhood block party and market at a locally owned resale store celebrates Juneteenth this weekend.

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Good Cycle hosts the party, Good & Free, in the 400 block of North Tyler, from 4-9 p.m. Sunday, June 19.

This “love letter to blackness throughout the space and time continuum” is free and includes art, music, dance, shopping, volunteerism opportunities and education. The event honors Opal Lee, the Fort Worth resident whose advocacy led to Juneteenth becoming a national holiday in 2016.

“Join us as we celebrate the 157th anniversary of Juneteenth, the day federal troops arrived in Galveston to inform enslaved people they were freed, more than two years after the 1885 Emancipation Proclamation formally abolished slavery in the United States,” the invitation from Good Cycle owner Nikayla Golatt-Barrett states.