Photo by Emma Ruby.

You read that headline right. A Kidd Springs neighbor stuck a garden hose in their tree, and this is what came of it.

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This ice sculpture is at the corner of Winston Street and Cedar Hill Avenue, and it’s difficult to miss. If you’re out on a chilly walk this afternoon, it’s worth swinging by to witness the impressive, 20-foot tall icicles in person.

Why would someone do this? We have no idea, but admittedly, it’s pretty cool. We are, however, sending our condolences to the truck driver unfortunate enough to park next to this experiment.

The temperature isn’t expected to get above freezing until tomorrow afternoon, and even then, this arctic installation isn’t likely to melt too quickly.

In the words of WFAA Meteorologist Pete Delkus, “water freezes in Texas.”

Photo by Emma Ruby.