Well, at least we’re passing. Human mobility data company Unacast has created an interactive “Social Distancing Scoreboard,” updated daily, to encourage people and organizations to, “measure and understand the efficacy of social distancing initiatives at the local level.”

While social distancing has been the largest recommendation from the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control, this “COVID-19 Tool Kit” uses cellular data to track the movement of 2.7 million people worldwide. The United States has been graded a C.

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The State of Texas also has a C grading, compared to states like Vermont and Nevada with the highest grades of a B +.

Dallas County has an overall C which is broken down into three categories:

40 – 55% Reduction in Average Mobility (Based on Distance Traveled)


Greater than 70% Reduction in Non-Essential Visits


Less than 40% Decrease in Encounters Density Compared to National Baseline


Photo from Unacast COVID-19 Tool Kit.

Unacast has also tracked “potential encounters,” defined essential and non-essential travel and explained grading system updates on the company’s blog if you’re interested in the data.