Oak Cliff’s original Día de los Muertos celebration, at CocoAndré Chocolatier, is from 4-10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, with music, food, face-painting and flash tattoos.

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Spinster Records celebrates Día de los Muertos from 8 p.m.-midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Oak Cliff’s own Los Beckleys performs, as well as the Arlington-based two-piece Sucio.

Students from Sunset and Molina high schools will install a community offrenda for the third consecutive year. This year’s altar will be at Arts Mission Oak Cliff and on display from Nov. 2-5. Sunset art teacher Gianna LoScerbo Starkus organizes the event, which features student artwork and poetry in Spanish and English.

Sunset and Molina high school students’ offrenda and artwork at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center in 2021. Photo courtesy of Gianna LoScerbo Starkus

Halloween is on the menu at Turner House. Help pass out candy to trick-or-treaters from 5:30-8 p.m.

A fall festival in Downtown Elmwood starts at 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 5, with food, vendors and family friendly activities.