Pelindaba Lavender on Bishop by CHB

Pelindaba Lavender is coming to Bishop Arts this month, in the former Red Pegasus Comics space. A sign inside the door promises “a complete lavender experience.”

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Red Pegasus closed last September, and its replacement is relocating from North Dallas. The lavender purveyors boast several locations around the world but just one in Dallas, which will open in February, according to the site.

Pelindaba Lavender is “a premier grower of lavender plants, distiller of lavender essential oils and hand crafter of lavender-based products,” according to company literature.

All of the products at Pelindaba Lavender originate at a farm on San Juan Island, as founder Stephen Robins, a retired physician, explains in a video about the outfit. He initially set out to save a lavender farm from developers by turning it into a productive “open space preservation project.” The lavender farm is essentially a public park for the islanders, tourists and photographers, he explains.

In store, shoppers will find an aromatic array of botanical, culinary, personal care, therapeutic, household and pet care products rooted in lavender’s “extraordinary natural properties that have been in use for several millennia,” all made at their island distillery “in accordance with the highest environmental, healthy living and aesthetic standards.”

Keep up with the store on Instagram or sign up for updates on their Dallas-dedicated website.