Photo courtesy of the Dallas Zoo.

The Dallas Zoo’s two-month-old baby elephant made his first public debut Tuesday, “exploring every log and stick around the habitat,” the zoo said in a tweet.

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The elephant, named Okubili, is expected to begin regularly appearing in the zoo’s elephant habitat as weather allows.

Okubili was born on Feb. 26 weighing 290 pounds. His name means “two” or “duplicate” in the Zulu language, the zoo said.

The zoo has seen the birth of many new animals so far this spring. In addition to Okubili, a baby warthog named Tikiti was born in February.

In March, the zoo hatched seven perentie monitor reptiles, including the first ever documented twins for the species.

A baby giraffe, baby goats, several baby lemurs and twin emperor tamarin monkeys have also been born at the zoo in recent weeks.