The plan to turn a lavandería in Sunset Hill into a locally owned full-service restaurant is one step closer.

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The City Plan Commission last week approved a zoning change that would allow the 91-year-old Magnolia/Mobil station on Jefferson at 10th to be used as a family friendly restaurant with an outdoor patio.

A group of investors wants to buy the building, which was originally on The Boundary streetcar line and was part of the Bankhead Highway.

Winnetka Heights resident Chad Dolezal is the chef behind the idea. He previously helmed The Hightower in Austin. Five or six neighborhood residents spoke in favor of the plan.

Two adjacent neighbors spoke in opposition because of concerns about noise and parking.

Only one house shares a lot line with the building, which has been a laundromat for decades. Residents of that adjacent house say music from the current business is already too loud, and they are afraid noise from a popular restaurant could keep them up at night.

A neighbor just across Rosemont Avenue, Paul Semrad, said he is worried about parking. The current plan shows 10 onsite parking spaces.

“The 11th-best parking space will be in front of my house,” Semrad said.

The two neighbors in opposition suggested removing outdoor seating from the plan, but they lost that point.

The plan commission approved the plan unanimously, with a few requirements added by member Amanda Popken, including the location of a dumpster being only near the alley, and that there should be no outdoor music after 9:30 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Dallas City Council is expected to hear the case at an upcoming meeting.