Teachers at several Oak Cliff schools in Dallas ISD are finalists for the district’s Teacher of the Year Award.

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Wildrem Andrade Matamoros, who teaches 5th-grade bilingual reading at Louise W. Kahn Elementary, also attended that school after moving here from Honduras when she was 9 years old.

Andrade Matamoros became the first in her family to graduate from high school in 2008, and she didn’t stop there. In 2013, Andrade Matamoros graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science in early childhood development and returned home to Dallas to become a teacher at L. W. Kahn Elementary. She soon found her true passion in teaching literacy to bilingual and newcomer students with whom she shares similar backgrounds and experiences and in 2014, Andrade Matamoros began a new assignment as a fifth-grade bilingual reading teacher, where she has remained for the past eight years. Andrade Matamoros has been a leader in initiating and implementing impactful writing and social-emotional strategies on her campus while  also serving as the campus activity coordinator and coach for academic teams.

Kristina Chandler teaches 5th-grade math at Jimmie Tyler Brashear Elementary.

She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Texas at Dallas and a Masters in Educational Leadership from the University of North Texas at Dallas. Chandler serves as Brashear’s first-ever fifth grade Debate team coach and as an advisor to the students in the National Elementary Honor Society. An active member of the Friday Club and Multicultural Committees, Chandler also enjoys training peers and community members.

Christopher Grace teaches world languages at Rosie Sorrells Education and Social Services Magnet at Townview Center.

He has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of Texas at Arlington and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in history at Fort Hays State University.

Now completing his tenth year in  Dallas, his journey began at Franklin International Exploratory Academy. Upon arrival, the campus world languages program had few students enrolled and offered only one language of study. Within his first three years at Franklin, Mr. Grace used his innovative strategies to attract 100% of students at the campus to enroll in the program and recruited many effective teachers to expand the world languages program at Franklin. He has been successful in leading professional development for student engagement at the campus and district level and has recently led virtual training for cohorts of world languages teachers across the country.

The winners will be announced May 10 in an event at The Statler. Find a list of all 12 finalists here.