Dallas Fire Station #36 opened for emergency service April 3 at 2300 Singleton Blvd. Photo by Emma Ruby.

A new fire station in West Dallas opened for emergency service earlier this week, replacing a 70-year-old station that sat at 3241 North Hampton Rd.

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The new station, which is located at 2300 Singleton Blvd., is nearly twice the size of the station it is replacing at 13,00o square feet.

Emergency service from the station started on April 3.

The station was constructed using funding from the 2017 bond program, according to a Dallas Fire Rescue spokesperson.

“It has several modern design features, including a transition zone for firefighter and bunker gear decontamination, personal lockers and air locks at each entry point of the station’s living quarters, to help with exposure reduction,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

Inside the station is a mural depicting the station’s Viking mascot, “to pay honor to that of their local L.G. Pinkston High School neighbors.”