Five bookstores, one day. At the 2nd Annual Oak Cliff Book Crawl, you can experience it all. Each store has its own unique style ripe for readers of all ages.

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Start at Whose Books, the neighborhood’s family bookstore with a specific focus on eliminating book deserts around the city. Book recommendation: “The Rose That Grew From Concrete” by Tupac Shakur; a collection of poetry from the late rapper.

Next, grab a drink and comb through the carefully selected collection at The Wild Detectives. Book recommendation: “The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows” by John Koenig; a brilliant faux-thesaurus made up of made-up words.

Just down the street in Bishop Arts, Poets Bookshop has some of the most eclectic offerings from local writers and beyond. Book recommendation: “The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom” by Don Miguel Ruiz; an outline of life teachings based on traditional Toltec wisdom from indigenous Colombian culture.

Then, visit one of the biggest used bookstores in Dallas at Lucky Dog Books‘ Oak Cliff location and prepare for a day-long dig. They have everything. Book recommendation: they have a stack of Chuck Klosterman books in the back left corner next to some old Rolling Stone magazines, buy any that you can get your hands on.

Finally, the crawl ends at the Pan-African Connection Bookstore, where you can shop for books with an emphasis on African culture and check out the accompanied collection of visual art. Book recommendation: “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia E. Butler; an all-too-real fictional story about a teenage girl grappling with impending climate change set to cause drastic changes to her immediate life.

The book crawl begins takes place this Saturday, from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Click here for more info.