Photo courtesy of Dallas ENT.

Photo courtesy of Dallas ENT.

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When the students at Peeler Elementary school return to class this August, a new, Peeler pirate-themed playhouse will await them.

It is similar to a purple playhouse decorated with flora and fauna that was recently donated to Oasis plant shop.

They playhouses were designed and decorated by the staff of Dallas ENT as part of the medical office’s 20th anniversary celebration at Habitat for Humanity.

“The staff was ecstatic. I mean, we just had a ball making them. We’re all painting, we had made matching T-shirts, and some of us have never even volunteered and didn’t even know what  Habitat for Humanity was,” said Priya Pandit, Dallas ENT CEO. “We actually pre- designed the panels before going, like we had cut outs, we had stencils, we were not kidding around.”

Dallas ENT celebrates the office’s anniversary each year with a service project that reflects the staffs values, Pandit said. For their 20th anniversary, the team chose to donate playhouses to neighborhood groups that reflect those “core values.”

“I really looked at the community and who we’ve run into and what they do, and the fervor that they bring,” Pandit said.

Oasis plant shop was selected because of their dedication to promoting the positive effects of nature. Dallas ENT, which stands for ears, nose and throat, specializes in sinus and allergy treatment to make the outdoors more accessible.

Peeler Elementary was selected because of a viral welcome back video made by the former Principal that promotes school and STEM education.

“They were so happy when they picked it up and put it outside,” The kids were thrilled, I mean, who wouldn’t want something fun like that to run around in?”

Each playhouse was worked on by six or seven staff members for an entire day, and were designed and built at Habitat for Humanity. The Oasis playhouse is now out and open to the public.